In memory of our fallen comrades

In memory of our fallen comrades
Ah, the beauty of video games

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My list of games

So Ive been thinking to myself lately, I have a stack of games that I really should beat.. Which is most of the games I own XD. Due to me having to delete my save data, nearly every game I own currently has NO file on my hard drive. So.. This is what im going to do: Over the next few weeks, Im going to conquer my stack of games. And, after every single game is done.. Ill write a review after I beat each one. Sounds pretty nifty eh?Heres my list of games (Regular Xbox games included).. I know its kinda small, but ive lost quite a bit of games recently..

Fallout: New Vegas (Incomplete).

Far Cry 2 (incomplete)

Ninja Gaiden II (incomplete)

Mercernaries (incomplete)

Halo 2 (incomplete)

Halo: Reach (completed)

Fable II (incomplete)

Halo Wars (incomplete)

Metal Arms: Glitch in the system (incomplete)

Bioshock 2 (complete)

Call Of Duty 2: Big Red One (incomplete)

Call of Duty 3 (incomplete)

Dark Sector (incomplete)

The Club (incomplete)

Fable II (incomplete)

Annnddd that is my current game library. As you can see, only two of my... Uh however many games are finished. Though I HAVE beat every single one of these games besides Fallout: New Vegas, Far Cry 2, and Ninja Gaiden II. So.. I shall be rebeating each and every one of these in the weeks to come XD.

A few more changes

Well, before, this blog used to be manga, movie, game, anything reviews. But I guess ill officially make it a Video Game review thread, for those old (And sometimes new) games. *shrugs* so ill edit the blog a tiny bit ^^

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Some review changes.. And other stuff

Well, I thought id create a new way of reviewing. For starters, my reviews will look much cleaner, and not hashed up. Second, I will be reviewing ONE GAME per post, to make it easier. Another addition, ill be using a Pro-Con system at the end of the review, to show what I liked, and disliked. Another installment: Pictures. This will make it easier to actually see what the gameplay looks like. Among a few other things ^^.

Now, for an update. Today, me and a friend went and bought Fallout: New Vegas. Its a game ive played a bit of before, and loving Fallout  3, ive long since wanted it. Ill be getting the DLC soon, so dont worry :). Another thing, ive been borrowing games from my friend now.. So ill be having more reviews once I beat them. Dont worry, he hsa a bunch of games, and gets new ones frequently, so it wont be like 5 games or anything :P. Ive borrowed Far Cry 2 and Ninja Gaiden II this time, so my hands will be full with those and Fallout for at least a week or two.

My thoughts on the games so far:

Far Cry 2:

So far, its a decent game. The graphics are amazing, and I like the way the story is going. Merc in Africa with guns and its free roam sandbox: Just my style. Nothing suits me better than free roam and guns. But im largely also dissastified, because the game has a lot of room for improvement. Firstly, the map. You have to press a button, and then for local you have to press another button, and it doesnt pop up, you see this tiny square. And your position, with no markers except your objective.. *RAGE*. Another thing, its dark. And you cant see enemies very easily, especially in places like houses. AND THEY HIT HARD. *rant*. Well, thats just an introduction, once i beat it ill add more ^^

Ninja Gaiden II:

Well.. If you have played Dantes Inferno, Devil May cry I, II, III, or IV, or any other simple Hack N Slash-upgrade your multitude of weapons as you go along- linear-mass of enemies at one time games, and liked them, NG II is for you. The story is kinda odd, but the weapons are cool, the graphics are amazing, and there is just something sexy about watching your foes head fly through the air and his blood and guts splatter onto the opposite wall. And that girl is just plain cute XD. But its basically hack and slash your way through the levels and then the bosses with weapons. So far my favorite weapon is the bow and the Lunar Staff. More on this game later.

Fallout: New Vegas-

A simple preview wont do this game justice. Ill add a full blown out of your mind review for it, might even break it up into two posts with lots of pictures :D.

Ill add a review for whatever game I finish first, though F: NV will probably be last ^^. Well, until next time :D.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Better RED than DEAD

Well, if you have read most of my posts on here, you know I just love free roam, sandbox type games by now. Just so many choices, an endless amount of possibilites. Well.. Kinda XD. And I especially love where you can mold your character to your liking, like choosing his traits and whatnot. Well, it seems I am now officially going to start borrowing games from one of my close friends, since hey.. He has them, and willing to lend me them for as long as I need.. So why not? XD. Anyway, I borrowed Red Faction: Guerilla from him a few days ago, and beat it in a day. So heres the review for it :D.

Red Faction: Guerilla takes place.. Erm I forget the year XD. On Mars. You are a "nomad", named Alec Mason.Your brother, the ever so helpful Dan Mason (I believe thats his name..) dies within the first fifteen minutes of the game. Good fight you. Anyway, so you join a rebel group, called "Red Faction". They basically go around blowing crap up, and killing the EDF (Earth Defense Force). The whole game is centered around you helping out, by doing missions, and also doing what ill call the "Mini-missions" to gain morale. Another nifty thing. The game is also centered around you liberating.. Colonies, or sectors. You do so by completing all but the last mission in the sector, then you need to bring the Control over the sector (Of the EDF) to 0. Then you do the last mission, and BAM. The sector is yours. This means no pesky EDF to attack you.

Quick note: Starting from now, ill be using a Pro/Con way at the end. To make a simple, easy to read list of good and bad things.. ^^

Anyway, all in all its a good game. One thing I disliked though was how if you even drive past the EDF, its an all out attack unless you can get away. And the only real way to get out of the red is to visit a safehouse. Among a few other things. A few things I would have added is once you take out a EDF base, you can make a safehouse, or armory. And another thing is the ability to upgrade and/or customize your vehicles.

The vehicles were.. Alright. Not amazing, and not too bad. They provide some nice protection.. But other than that *shrugs*. Going on about something, this game isnt a sneaky game. You dont sneak, you just have an all out war open style. Sure you can take refuge in buildings or behind cover, but theres like a tracker on you, and the enemies find you D:.

Other than those few things, this game was very satisfactory. The endgame is alright, you basically can do some more mini missions, and raid some of their hideouts or w/e.. But thats about it. But I give this game a 9/10. It was awesome.

Mmkay, onto other things. I am buying Fallout: New Vegas soon. In a week or two. After I collect some money from some friends. I bought a hard drive.. AND I CAN FINALLY PLAY MY OLD XBOX GAMES. Lol. So, once I beat Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Even though no one cares about Xbox games anymore XD) ill have a review up. Until later ^^

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Well well well... Well...

Humph. Oh, how I hate the whole hierarchy of "gamerscore" and "levels" on online gameplay. It really sucks you know? I have 2500 gamerscore... And godfraggit, IM PROUD. Im sorry that I dont spend hours in a game looking for a small shred of intel to get 10 gamerscore points. And yeah, i like the whole gamerscore idea, but its progressed too far. I have a few friends who have... Lets say, 10k gamerscore (Its around there), and im constantly being harassed because mines at around 2.5k, even though I probably play more games than they do, and am alot better at it (Believe me, games I havent even played before I go over their house and kick their asses at it). I dont understand this whole social hierarchy of "If you have high gamerscore, your automatically a good gamer". And, to add to that, I have a friend who has about 25k gamerscore, and yet he doesnt care at all. I doubt he even knows the full extent of what it is. Anyway, I saw an article not too long ago in GI, so I felt that I should add to that rant about gamerscore ^^.

Another thing that pizzles me off to no end, is online gameplay. You have 12 year old kids who have higher levels than me (especially on CoD), and who leave the game as soon as a low level newb like me gets in the match. I understand that you may have a higher level than me, but does that distill the fact that I can kick your ass with an M16? No =.=. Same as with Bioshock. I get into a match, and a few of the higher leveled players go "OH SHI ITs a level one, lets leave". Seriously.. It pizzles me off. Anyway, thats it for my rants. Ill be getting SW: KotOR soon, so look forward to it~!.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fallout 3 final review, and celebrating my first follower.. Lulz.

Just beat Fallout 3 an hour or two ago. And my impression of it is this: Amazing. Its truthfully the first free roam game I have ever completed. Of course, the main storyline is a bit short... With my total gameplay being about 18 hours, and thats with only playing it through once, not knowing what the hell I was doing, doing the WHOLE main storyline, and a few sidequests, among some exploring. So.. Yeah, if your a fast gamer, and only do the main story, its gonna be a short ride. But, its awesome. If you have ever played a free roam before, youll know that there are TONS of cities and places to explore, lots of things to kill, many levels to reach, oodles of side quests, and just blowing up random crap. Fallout 3 is no exception. Of course, the setting is a bit creepy for me, and a lot of the gameplay is spent in dark corridors in ruined buildings fending off a pack of wild mole rats, or deep in the subterranean in tunnels and metro stations fending off feral ghouls. But that adds to the overall effect of a post-apoloptyc world. My favorite part in the game was definitely being able to scavenge. I spent probably 5 hours in total going in desolate houses and buildings and rooms in the tunnels just looking for a stimpack or some extra ammo so I could go back out and kill a few extra raiders. Another thing I liked was being able to hack computers, and also being able to lockpick doors, ammo crates, medical crates, etc etc. I loved the game so much, im going into a second playthrough as I type this, working on a more of an intellegience type build, and not bothering much with the main story.

It saddens me there is no online gameplay, I was really hoping there was. But, hey, no game can be perfect I suppose. I give Fallout 3 a 10/10, because of its pure epicness. With this, until later this week or next, I wont have any games to play. I may submit a Fable II review later on, but im buying a hard drive and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I+II soon, so look forward to two of my favorite games~! :D. Ill be adding a few manga reviews soon too. Until next time


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Beat Bioshock.. And some other things

So, tonight I just finished beating Bioshock. And might I say, it was amazing. Of course... The ending kinda grinded my gears, (No spoilers ^^), but the overall gameplay was amazing. The story... Was awesome as well. Im looking forward to Bioshock: Infinite~! Now, im going to play a bit of Bioshock online, and then head onto Fallout 3. Im hoping to beat Fallout 3 in a week or two, but since its a free roam "sandbox" game, you never know... And by beat, I mean beat the main storyline ;P. Anyway, Bioshocks final review is here: In all, Bioshock is an amazing game. It dazzled me with beatiful graphics, combat that wasnt too hard and that was truly.. interesting, and a storyline that didnt bore me to tears, but actually had me straining my ears to listen to it. The combat is something ive never seen before. You get cool powers that sort of.. Accent your fight, like the electroball that can temporarily paralyze your foe and do a bit of damage, as well as winter blast, which freezes things, incinerate, which burns stuff and can set your foes on fire, and a few others ill leave as a secret. Though I will admit, out of all the powers you get Electroball was the prominent one, since I like to use guerilla tactics in any game, attacking quickly, retreating, attacking, wash, rinse, repeat. But the powers, if used correctly, will create a deadly force. Say you freeze or paralyze the Big Daddy in front of you, and then hack a couple security bots, and then use your shotgun with Heavy Shells to get in close, hes as good as dead. The weapons are awesome as well, each with usually three diverse types of ammo, like the Machine Gun has .50 mm, heavy bullets, and another one I forget. Anyway, with the diverse selection of plasmids (powers), tonics (Upgrades to you basically, like theres one that lets you run faster), and weapons and ammo, you will be a force to be reckoned with. I played on Easy (Its been a while since I played a Bioshock game, was wary of my abilities), and it took me 15 hours blazing through the game. All in all, I give it a 10/10, for... amazing everything.