In memory of our fallen comrades

In memory of our fallen comrades
Ah, the beauty of video games

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Well well well... Well...

Humph. Oh, how I hate the whole hierarchy of "gamerscore" and "levels" on online gameplay. It really sucks you know? I have 2500 gamerscore... And godfraggit, IM PROUD. Im sorry that I dont spend hours in a game looking for a small shred of intel to get 10 gamerscore points. And yeah, i like the whole gamerscore idea, but its progressed too far. I have a few friends who have... Lets say, 10k gamerscore (Its around there), and im constantly being harassed because mines at around 2.5k, even though I probably play more games than they do, and am alot better at it (Believe me, games I havent even played before I go over their house and kick their asses at it). I dont understand this whole social hierarchy of "If you have high gamerscore, your automatically a good gamer". And, to add to that, I have a friend who has about 25k gamerscore, and yet he doesnt care at all. I doubt he even knows the full extent of what it is. Anyway, I saw an article not too long ago in GI, so I felt that I should add to that rant about gamerscore ^^.

Another thing that pizzles me off to no end, is online gameplay. You have 12 year old kids who have higher levels than me (especially on CoD), and who leave the game as soon as a low level newb like me gets in the match. I understand that you may have a higher level than me, but does that distill the fact that I can kick your ass with an M16? No =.=. Same as with Bioshock. I get into a match, and a few of the higher leveled players go "OH SHI ITs a level one, lets leave". Seriously.. It pizzles me off. Anyway, thats it for my rants. Ill be getting SW: KotOR soon, so look forward to it~!.

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy, I can comment on my ereader but not on my computer. FAIL. Anyways, this pizzles me off aswell, most of my friends have higher gamerscores than me because they never have anything to do and slend all ay getting a couple of achievments. They all seem to think they're better than me just because of their gamerscore, even though i can kick their butts in halo anyday.
