In memory of our fallen comrades

In memory of our fallen comrades
Ah, the beauty of video games

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fallout 3 final review, and celebrating my first follower.. Lulz.

Just beat Fallout 3 an hour or two ago. And my impression of it is this: Amazing. Its truthfully the first free roam game I have ever completed. Of course, the main storyline is a bit short... With my total gameplay being about 18 hours, and thats with only playing it through once, not knowing what the hell I was doing, doing the WHOLE main storyline, and a few sidequests, among some exploring. So.. Yeah, if your a fast gamer, and only do the main story, its gonna be a short ride. But, its awesome. If you have ever played a free roam before, youll know that there are TONS of cities and places to explore, lots of things to kill, many levels to reach, oodles of side quests, and just blowing up random crap. Fallout 3 is no exception. Of course, the setting is a bit creepy for me, and a lot of the gameplay is spent in dark corridors in ruined buildings fending off a pack of wild mole rats, or deep in the subterranean in tunnels and metro stations fending off feral ghouls. But that adds to the overall effect of a post-apoloptyc world. My favorite part in the game was definitely being able to scavenge. I spent probably 5 hours in total going in desolate houses and buildings and rooms in the tunnels just looking for a stimpack or some extra ammo so I could go back out and kill a few extra raiders. Another thing I liked was being able to hack computers, and also being able to lockpick doors, ammo crates, medical crates, etc etc. I loved the game so much, im going into a second playthrough as I type this, working on a more of an intellegience type build, and not bothering much with the main story.

It saddens me there is no online gameplay, I was really hoping there was. But, hey, no game can be perfect I suppose. I give Fallout 3 a 10/10, because of its pure epicness. With this, until later this week or next, I wont have any games to play. I may submit a Fable II review later on, but im buying a hard drive and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I+II soon, so look forward to two of my favorite games~! :D. Ill be adding a few manga reviews soon too. Until next time



  1. I am honestly hoping you have Game of the year edition!

    I've got this game and have 400+ hours of game play, and I still have undiscovered places and missions to complete!

    If you want to complete the FULL story line and get up to level 30, I suggest getting the DLC.

    I suggest getting 10 Intelligence before you do anything on your second play-through. In the SPECIAL book, change it to 9 and go to Rivet City, head into the lab and on one of the tables is the Intelligence bobble-head. (Bobble heads give +1 to the SPECIAL of it's choice as well as some giving you +15 to one of your TAG skills).

    I also suggest playing through as JESUS and DEVIL. Playing as Jesus gives you the ability to have the follower Fawks, who if you give a Laser Gattling Gun, is INCREDIBLY helpful. He is the only Super Mutant in the game that you can talk too that wont try killing you.

    Being evil gives you the advantage of being able to steal and pick-pocket people without needing to donate money to charity to get your Karma back up.

    HINT: Easy way to increase Karma: Donate large sums of Cap's to the local charity in the town you're staying at.

    Easy way to decrease Karma: Put a mine in someones pants and quickly pick pocket them again and take it out. It saves their life and gives you negative Karma. You can continue to do this to people over and over until happy.

    Good starting quests: If you have the DLC do Into the Pitt, for all your items are taken away from you at the start of this mission, and you collect some really useful things here. I would also suggest finding all the Ingots because the final prize for collecting them is incredibly useful for the final escape from The Pitt.

    If you don't have the DLC, just go straight to Megaton and complete the missions there. You can find the Strength Bobble Head inside Lucas Simm's house on one of the tables. If you are successful in defusing the bomb (Doesn't matter if Lucas dies or not) you will gain access to a house there. NOTE: YOU CAN ONLY HAVE ONE HOUSE. GOOD = MEGATON BAD = TEN PENNY TOWER

    If you have any more Q's, feel free to ask. xx

    ~ Lara.

  2. Lol, Ive been wondering what the bobbleheads were. And I was planning to get the DLC sooner or later ^^. I didnt get game of the year addition, because when I bought it from gamestop I had accidentally picked up the DLC disc, and so the person just gave me whatever one they found behind the counter >_<. And I already had 10 Int. When I chose the SPECIAL >_>. Right now im basically going to do half of the main story, and then just explore and do whatever XD. In my first playthrough I got Fawkes.... And hes a beast. Theres also the BoS lady, but instead I went with Fawkes because... Well, hes awesome. Anywho, whats this Jesus and Devil thing o.o..

  3. You can have Super Good Karma (Picture is Jesus) or Super Bad Karma (Picture is Devil)

    A lot of the story line depends on what your Karma is. It affects whether people run from you or worship you. Whether you can tell them "i'm here to help" or "Give me all your st00f nub"

  4. I know what karma is >_<. Im not incompetent :P. Mainly now im just roaming and exploring, and doing any quest that seems ill be able to fight st00f. Im at like Lv. 9 currently, trying to go for a maxed Sneak+Medicine+Lockpick+Science+Small Arms set o.O. If that makes sense. Then ill be able to just steal whenever I want ;D. I think I like being Neutral better though.. But ill try out this "Devil" And "Jesus" and just create a few copies of a save file, and have a Jesus, Devil, and Neutral characters. So far, im basically sticking to DC and Megaton and just looking for Raiders to kill >_>. Any helpful hints (Other than those you supplied) would be helpful for a newb like me. LIKE WHERE THE HELL IS THE GHOUL UNDERWORLD =.=. Oh well, Google time.

  5. Hunter you ARE incompetent. :P an by eading the start of this review I was thinking I would buy this game, but then you said ghouls and post-apocolyptic , well it kinda closed the deal. I lov wwtching scary movies and frightening myself but even the smallest creepy thing on a video game will have me throwing the controller at the tv and jumping out the nearest window. Even call of duty black ops scares the shizzle out of me. :S
